This week, for the BIG POETRY GIVEAWAY of 2013, I am sending for free a signed postcard of my "Lynn, Lynn" poems to anyone in Lynn, MA  who posts at my Comment page, and you will also be eligible for the book drawing at the end of the month. (One of the books opens with my poem. "Egg Rock," about a famous Lynn place.) Post your comment:
The city of Lynn, MA, where I lived 2000-2011 is plagued by a negative little ditty people repeat over and over. I won't repeat it here. Suffice it to say it begins, "Lynn, Lynn, city of sin." Now I LOVED Lynn, loved our view of the ocean, loved its diversity, loved my neighborhood and its people. And one day I ripped off my own little Lynn poem, a poem much sunnier than I am prone to be in poetry. Recently it's been posted at Mildred's Corner Cafe and Shoppe, my favorite breakfast place, by its sweet and dear owner, Jan. And it's been picked up by Lynn Happens.
Here's the poem (blush)

Lynn, the Sequel 

Lynn, Lynn, a place to begin
a place near the ocean,
a place where you win.
in food, music and kin,
in schools and in clothing--
ah, museums of Lynn!

It’s true you don’t go out
the way you came in:
you’re wiser, you’re tougher,
thinner and buffer,
(Food Project, the boardwalk
The 5 k's-- please don’t balk).
I’ve left and I’m sorry,
I miss it a lot.

For those of you who still live there, I'd be glad to rewrite those last two lines for you:
I live here, I'm glad,
cuz I love it a lot.

If you are technologically challenged and have trouble posting a comment, email and let me know:

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