"Read + Write: 30 Days of Poetry" Coming Up Soon

April is National Poetry Month, when The Cuyahoga County Public Library's weblog "Read + Write" features a poem a day by a Northeast Ohio poet, along with a writing prompt, the poet's bio and a comments section for readers. You can see the 2024 edition here . 

I'm letting you know early in case you want to sign up to receive an email with a link to the poem of the day each day in April. Here's how:

  1. Go to the library home page, Cuyahoga County Public Library 
  2. Scroll down to the  big, blue, horizontal stripe near bottom of the page that says "Get the latest CCPL news & updates delivered to your inbox"
  3. Click yellow "Sign up" button
  4. Fill in name, email address, and then scroll down to "Read + Write: 30 Days of Poetry Receive poems and writing prompts in your inbox every day during National Poetry Month (April)"
  5. Click "Yes"
  6. Click yellow "Subscribe" button.

The 2025 edition is our twelfth year featuring another all-new exciting lineup of poets who have never appeared on the blog before.  Among them this year are two new NEA recipients, a poet whose poetry has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, a few who have moved away but still call Northeast Ohio their home, retirees and poets working-- teachers, parents, librarians, artists, arts administrators, social workers.

Allison P. Davis,   Brandon Johnson,   Caitie Young,   
Cati Porter,   David McCoy, Elijah Elliott (Atlas),   
Elliot Nicely,   Haylee Schwenk,   Hugh Martin,
Joey Polisena, Kasandra Christner,   Katie Berta,   
Kent Taylor,   Kristin Gustafson,   Laurie Kincer,
Lindsay Barba,   Margaret Young,   Marlowe Jones,   
Matthew Thompson, Megan Lubey,   Michael Gill,   
Nathan Oliver,   Risha Nicholle,   
RJ Ingram, 
Robert King,  Rose Zinnia,   
Steve Thomas,  
Sujata Lakhe,   Tiara Dinevska,  and  Tovi Simiryan

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